Thursday, September 3, 2009

Menu4Moms GF and CF Menu's, Recipes, and Lesson Plans

After my first expensive year on a gluten free diet, I decided to find ways to cut our grocery budget.  I discovered a website called Menu4Moms and subscribed to the weekly menu's and recipes.  I knew we couldn't follow it, but I could try the naturally gluten free and casein free recipes or adapt them.  It reminded me of some of my forgotten favorites and so I brought them to the table and we enjoyed them.  Our grocery budget was more manageable.

Last week I received an e-mail from Menu4Moms about their Gluten Free and Casein Free Menus, Recipes and Lesson Plans.  I was excited to see it and wondered if this would have made a huge difference when we started 3years ago.  Starting a new diet is always better with a plan of action, a menu, and a grocery list.  I was so over whelmed having to create it myself and I spent so many hours reading labels. 

After looking over the Menu4Moms Gluten Free and Casein Free Menus, recipe, and Lesson Plans, I am thrilled to start the first week Monday.  Not only is it a great menu and lesson plan for newly diagnosed Celiacs and gluten/dairy allergies, it is great for the rest of us that need to eat healthier without all the junk foods and sugars.  The recipes look yummy and appetizing with lots of veggies.  I know that my family will enjoy them.  I will post an update after we try out the first week menu.

Here is the introduction e-mail I received typed in green and the link is here:
Have you been diagnosed with food allergies? Are you having a difficult time adapting to a gluten-free diet? Tired of boring gluten-free foods?

Menus4Moms is pleased to announce the publication of Living Gluten-free Casein-free, a comprehensive resource that will help you in your quest to live gluten-free. Perfect for individuals who are either gluten-free or gluten-free/casein-free, the menu includes 4 weeks of weekly lessons and menus. Each week for 4 weeks you will receive:
  • Menu plan with breakfast, lunch and dinner recipes for 6 days of the week for a family of 6
  • Grocery list
  • Many helpful hints on shopping and health
  • Weekly lessons about how foods affect the body
Living Gluten-free Casein-free contains valuable resources to help you succeed with your gluten-free lifestyle. Each recipe is gluten-free and has options for those who are also avoiding casein. All lessons are designed to inform, change behavior, and acknowledge the "mourning" of these foods as you move toward improved health. Living Gluten-free Casein-free is the only GFCF menu plan written by a practicing nurse practitioner.

To order this great Gluten Free and Casein Free menu's, recipes, and lesson plans, visit there site at

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